Clearing Away the Layers

As I reflect on the self-transformation path of the last four years, the words of my guide echo in my mind:

"𝘔ð˜Ēð˜Ŋ𝘚 ð˜ąð˜Ķð˜°ð˜ąð˜­ð˜Ķ ð˜Īð˜Đð˜Ēð˜Ŋð˜Ļð˜Ķ ð˜ĩð˜Đð˜Ķ𝘊ð˜ģ ð˜ąð˜Ķð˜ģð˜īð˜ąð˜Ķð˜Īð˜ĩ𝘊𝘷ð˜Ķ ð˜Ēð˜Ŋð˜Ĩ ð˜ļð˜Ē𝘚 𝘰𝘧 𝘭𝘊𝘧ð˜Ķ ð˜Ē𝘧ð˜ĩð˜Ķð˜ģ ð˜Ē ð˜Ŧ𝘰ð˜ķð˜ģð˜Ŋð˜Ķ𝘚. 𝘍𝘰ð˜ģ 𝘚𝘰ð˜ķ, 𝘎ð˜ģð˜Ķð˜ĩð˜Īð˜Đð˜Ķð˜Ŋ, 𝘊ð˜ĩ'ð˜ī ð˜Ēð˜Ģ𝘰ð˜ķð˜ĩ ð˜Ģð˜Ķð˜Ī𝘰ð˜Ū𝘊ð˜Ŋð˜Ļ ð˜Ū𝘰ð˜ģð˜Ķ 𝘰𝘧 ð˜ļð˜Đ𝘰 𝘚𝘰ð˜ķ ð˜Ēð˜ģð˜Ķ."

She is 100% right! For much of my adult life, I concealed my true self to fit in. My journey has been about 𝗰ð—đð—ēð—Ūð—ŋð—ķð—ŧð—ī ð—Ū𝘄ð—Ū𝘆 𝘁ð—ĩð—ē 𝗚ð—Ūð—ŧ𝘆 ð—đð—Ū𝘆ð—ēð—ŋ𝘀 of shrink wrap that constricted my naturally eclectic, intuitive, and otherworldly essence.

And while that sounds quite beautiful as I write it, the truth is that this journey has not been for the faint of heart. It has ð—ąð—ē𝗚ð—Ūð—ŧð—ąð—ēð—ą ð—ąð—ēð—ēð—― 𝗰𝗞𝘂ð—ŋð—Ūð—īð—ē, ð—Ū𝘂𝘁ð—ĩð—ēð—ŧ𝘁ð—ķ𝗰ð—ķ𝘁𝘆, ð—Ūð—ŧð—ą ð—Ū 𝗰𝗞𝗚𝗚ð—ķ𝘁𝗚ð—ēð—ŧ𝘁 𝘁𝗞 𝗚𝘆 𝘁ð—ŋ𝘂ð—ē ð—ŧð—Ū𝘁𝘂ð—ŋð—ē, even when it has come at a high cost - personally and professionally.

And so, no matter your journey's nuances, whether it's about discovering or remembering, I encourage you to 𝙠𝙚𝙚ð™Ĩ 𝙜ð™Ī𝙞ð™Ģ𝙜. As we align ourselves with life's clarion call, we unearth the profound connections within our collective journey of discovery and remembering.

𝗝𝗞𝘂ð—ŋð—ŧð—ē𝘆 𝗞ð—ŧ, ð—Ŋð—ēð—Ū𝘂𝘁ð—ķð—ģ𝘂ð—đ 𝘀𝗞𝘂ð—đ𝘀!

#SelfDiscovery #Authenticity #JourneyWithin #EmbraceYourself #selftransformation #journeyon #redwoods


Lead Like a Hot Air Balloon Pilot


𝗧ð—Ūð—đð—ēð—ŧ𝘁 ĖķMĖķĖķaĖķĖķnĖķĖķaĖķĖķgĖķĖķeĖķĖķmĖķĖķeĖķĖķnĖķĖķtĖķĖķ Ėķ ð—˜ð—šð—―ð—žð˜„ð—ēð—ŋ𝗚ð—ēð—ŧ𝘁