A few weeks ago, I stepped onto a playground and followed the impulse to play. The metal swing set was calling out to me in a big way. So, I found my seat and started swinging; something I had not done in 20 years!
It took a little effort to get things started, but then I found my rhythm and generated momentum. After just a few minutes, I was swinging so high that once I reached the peak of the forward swing, there was a weightless drop that happened before the chains on the swing caught again. It was soothing, and created a smooth, supportive gliding feeling - back and forth, back and forth.
As I was savoring the height I was achieving, a young boy about 7 years old walked by and asked, "Are you gonna jump?"
I replied, "I have not swung in a long time, so I don't think so."
He said "Okay." His response was without judgement or expectation. It was clear that it was an innocent invitation for fun that I could accept or decline.
After contemplating his question for a split second, I jumped!
I impulsively let go and started to slide out of the seat. Fear bubbled up in a big way and I got scared. However as quick as the fear arose, I quickly realized that it would be way worse for me if I abandoned mid-jump. So, I let the momentum carry me forward and thought, let’s see how this plays out.
Surprisingly, I landed on my feet -- but I landed hard. I felt the jolt of the impact run from my feet, all the way up my spine. Everything went dark for a minute, then I fell on my backside.
After a few moments, I realized I survived the leap. I was proud of myself, filled up with confidence, and I yelled after the little boy who had walked away -- "I jumped!"
He looked back and casually said, "good job!" and continued on his way.
The experience revealed to me a powerful metaphor. No matter how scary it is, or how unsure we feel, we can't keep swinging back and forth in the comfort of a chained seat when our purpose calls. It is important to listen to that inner voice that is inviting us to return to play, adventure, the unknown. While there is no guarantee we will land on our feet, we can be sure that we will feel the exhilaration that comes from living our lives "on purpose”.  
And purpose is calling me in a big way to humanize work for generations I will never meet. Who am I to make such a claim? It feels scary to say it out loud, let alone post it on my LinkedIn.

Maybe the better question is, who am I not to when purpose calls out "Are you gonna jump?"

More to come!

#humanizework #anavoagency #assessmentsasaccelerators


I’m not fake and you’re not wrong.


Leaders are burned out!