Can I just get 5-minutes to myself?
It only takes a handful of minutes to check-in with the layers of our Self to tap into the wisdom that resides there.
***5-Minute Self Check-In*** ⏲️
1 minute - sit quietly, closing your eyes, and taking a few centering breaths, feeling grounded and present.
3 minutes - ask yourself each prompt below, listening for 1-minute with all your senses (body, mind, and spirit) to the response to the prompt. Know that nothing / silence is still a response.
* What does the Child Inside me need?
* What do I need right now?
* What does my Future Self need?
1 minute: Give each part of your-Self gratitude for the insights.
Open your eyes and jot down your insights on a sticky note, placing it somewhere you will see it multiple times a day.
Thank you Susan David, Ph.D. for this powerful visual reminder of the deep value in being centered in self. ✨️
#innerwisdom #5minutes #emotionalagility